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C/C++ > Intermediate -> Advanced in 96 hours

#134365 - keldon - Thu Jul 12, 2007 8:08 pm

I rate myself as Intermediate in C++. Anything I am unsure about I will refer to in the books, but I am aware of what is not currently my intuition. Long story short I want to be prepared for the possibility of 45 minute test (most likely consisting of c++ questions) and need to be able to pass with flying colours.

First of I think that the content of the c++ quick reference must be hard-wired in my head. I probably have more than 96 hours, but supposing I did how should I plan my preparation for this?

Recall is not an issue, I have memorized pages of notes for exam preparation, I mainly want to be well prepared.

#134367 - kusma - Thu Jul 12, 2007 8:12 pm

reading up on c++ faq lite (google it) might be an idea...

#134369 - keldon - Thu Jul 12, 2007 8:24 pm

Thanks, looks like the right thing I'm looking for, in fact it's a really great site.

#134393 - sgeos - Thu Jul 12, 2007 11:07 pm

kusma wrote:
reading up on c++ faq lite (google it) might be an idea...

I second this. Read the full FAQ if you are feeling crazy. Remember, sleep does wonders for test and such.


#134522 - keldon - Fri Jul 13, 2007 4:06 pm

Well I'm reading through the FAQ; but exactly how crazy do you have to be to read the full thing because that is what I planned to do.

#134524 - gauauu - Fri Jul 13, 2007 4:56 pm

Are you talking about reading through the book version (the non-lite version), or reading through the whole c++ faq lite?

The whole lite faq is a fun read, I'd highly recommend's not really unreasonably long.

#134527 - keldon - Fri Jul 13, 2007 5:17 pm

I'm talking about reading the whole FAQ lite, going by the title I doubt I'll have the chance to cover the full non-lite book. Bearing in mind it's preparation to be a junior programmer it's not like I have to be a guru, just proficient.

#134536 - simonjhall - Fri Jul 13, 2007 6:55 pm

Can you show what you're talking about in another OO language? When I went for junior programmer I took a C++ test, but I'm not very good at that - I can do C just fine, and got taught Java at uni. So they let me explain all the concepts via Java instead...and I got the job, despite it being a C++-only job.

If you can do it better in another language it doesn't hurt to ask, as it shows that you're not a one-trick-pony and you can apply the skills you've learnt in one thing to problems in another.
Big thanks to everyone who donated for Quake2

#134542 - keldon - Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:46 pm

Well they did tell me that they don't use Java, only C++, asking whether I were ok with this. When it comes to Java there isn't much to know in the sense that the language is much simpler. I was much more comfortable with C/Assembler for a long time, but peer pressure kicked in and I stopped using it and slowly began to prototype and test everything using Java.

But my case is the same as yours, we mostly did Java at uni and only used C/C++ for operating systems, high performance computing and image processing.

And as for the FAQ, it's quality. Wish I had come across it earlier!!!

#134553 - simonjhall - Fri Jul 13, 2007 9:58 pm

Many of the OO concepts that I learnt in Java were pretty valid in C++, it's just that I didn't know the names of them. For instance - I've never used virtual before, but I somehow got away with telling them all about the same concepts in Java instead!

I've only used Java once since I've worked here, as it's a C++ company. I still can't do C++ either, but that's cool cos I sort of do my own thing and doing plain C is fine :-)

My programming test also looked straight forward but when they went through it at the end with me I'd made big mistakes as I didn't read it correctly! One annoying thing people seem to often get tested on is order of precedence. Many companies give you a terrible piece of bracket-less code and ask you what the answer would be. No-one ever writes code like that, and if they do they should put loads of comments!

Where did you go to uni anyway? Also, where's the job? (if you can say)
Big thanks to everyone who donated for Quake2

#134557 - tepples - Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:24 pm

simonjhall wrote:
One annoying thing people seem to often get tested on is order of precedence. Many companies give you a terrible piece of bracket-less code and ask you what the answer would be. No-one ever writes code like that, and if they do they should put loads of comments!

Would they give half credit for "This expression is valid, but its lack of parentheses more than likely violates this company's coding style guidelines"?
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.

#134560 - wintermute - Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:59 pm

tepples wrote:
simonjhall wrote:
One annoying thing people seem to often get tested on is order of precedence. Many companies give you a terrible piece of bracket-less code and ask you what the answer would be. No-one ever writes code like that, and if they do they should put loads of comments!

Would they give half credit for "This expression is valid, but its lack of parentheses more than likely violates this company's coding style guidelines"?

They're more likely to throw the application in the bin because of smart arse answers like that.

With paper tests it's much better to just answer the questions and leave the philosophy for the face to face interview.
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#134563 - keldon - Sat Jul 14, 2007 12:12 am

Tepples: lol, I think it may make some people laugh enough to accept it although it could go either way; maybe face to face as a joke but on paper it is very risky!

Simon: I went to Queen Mary's University of London, and the Job is for (Sega) Sports Interactive. They have some interesting test questions, one is a clever (yet fairly simple) riddle.

#134568 - MrD - Sat Jul 14, 2007 2:55 am

keldon wrote:
Well I'm reading through the FAQ; but exactly how crazy do you have to be to read the full thing because that is what I planned to do.

The FAQ Lite is mega-wonderful. I made sure to review it thoroughly before my job aptitude tests and interview.
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#134657 - simonjhall - Sun Jul 15, 2007 11:04 am

keldon wrote:
Simon: I went to Queen Mary's University of London, and the Job is for (Sega) Sports Interactive.
Ah right, I had a look round there for an open day! I went to the University of Southampton...
Southampton > London.
Big thanks to everyone who donated for Quake2

#137941 - keldon - Fri Aug 17, 2007 7:58 pm

Update: I've got through two stages of the interview and am up to the final one - the FAQ has been a great help.

#138833 - keldon - Wed Aug 29, 2007 4:28 pm

Update: I'm in! Thanks to all who've helped, and helped those who helped - the FAQ lite provided some really good assistance.

#138837 - kusma - Wed Aug 29, 2007 5:50 pm
