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C/C++ > GCC 4 is out

#40754 - tepples - Fri Apr 22, 2005 3:30 am

Slashdot is carrying news of the release of GNU Compiler Collection version 4.0.0. Here's a changelog. Notable changes include the new SSA (static single assignment) representation that opens up new compile-time optimization techniques and the "swing modulo scheduler" that speeds up computation loops (possibly leading to less need for assembly language in mixers). There aren't any notable ARM-specific improvements over 3.4.3 (used in devkitARM_r11) though.

Is anybody working on a GCC 4 distribution hosted on Windows (or Mac or Linux/x86 or whatever) and targeting the GBA and Nintendo DS?
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.

#40805 - Quirky - Fri Apr 22, 2005 8:43 pm

Swing Modulo Scheduling in GCC ... is not effective in the following cases:

# Loops that have stores to memory.
# High register pressure and poor register set.
# Architectures that do not have a BCT (Branch on Count) instructions.

Not sure what a "poor register set" is, there is no doubt a technical definition, but BCT is not a valid Arm instruction.

#41027 - wintermute - Sun Apr 24, 2005 10:00 am

DevkitARM will be gcc 4 at some point. I'm not particularly keen on 4.0.0 since it appeared to be rushed out to me. There were also a number of peculiar problems getting this to build for win32.

I do have a build of the 4.0.0 RC1 for ARM which may, or may not behave in expected ways.

This package should not be considered an official devkitARM release but is provided for interest and testing. devkitARM release 12 will be gcc 3.4.3 with a number of updates designed to better support Nintendo DS.