#41952 - NewbSabott - Tue May 03, 2005 6:36 pm
Hello everybody. Learning C++ right now.
I have no previous experience, so this should provide fun for those of you who will find pleasure in watching me fumble my way to knowledge!
As you know from my post in the announcements header thread, I have done Hello World twice (GBA and C++ Win32 Console). I am currently moving further into things and enjoying myself. I never thought I'd say it, but programmers are about the coolest people on the planet.
Plus I'm crazy so Object Oriented thought is easily applied analytically to the real world in my head, which bugs me out. I laugh and it's fun.
For my first post, I was wondering if the people who regular this thread could make some introductions and if everyone would point out the best places to go from "Hello World".
Also, should I even be playing with GBA yet? Or is there something I should focus on first?
I'm Newbie J Sabott, from New Jersey in the US.
I love to make music of various kinds and am willing to make music for games anytime.
I am currently learning everything to do with Maya modeling and C++ right now, also I'm looking into the Mel language for maya, but that won't apply here.
Let's make games.
PS check out my post at Announcements and vote in the Marble Madness poll.
Teach me GBA :(
I have no previous experience, so this should provide fun for those of you who will find pleasure in watching me fumble my way to knowledge!
As you know from my post in the announcements header thread, I have done Hello World twice (GBA and C++ Win32 Console). I am currently moving further into things and enjoying myself. I never thought I'd say it, but programmers are about the coolest people on the planet.
Plus I'm crazy so Object Oriented thought is easily applied analytically to the real world in my head, which bugs me out. I laugh and it's fun.
For my first post, I was wondering if the people who regular this thread could make some introductions and if everyone would point out the best places to go from "Hello World".
Also, should I even be playing with GBA yet? Or is there something I should focus on first?
I'm Newbie J Sabott, from New Jersey in the US.
I love to make music of various kinds and am willing to make music for games anytime.
I am currently learning everything to do with Maya modeling and C++ right now, also I'm looking into the Mel language for maya, but that won't apply here.
Let's make games.
PS check out my post at Announcements and vote in the Marble Madness poll.
Teach me GBA :(