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ASM > How do i do ...

#23975 - ETkoala - Sun Jul 25, 2004 8:52 pm

Hello i'm new here so i started to making intros to insert in other roms.

The first code without patching is:


mov r0,text1
ldr r7,=0x060009CC
mov r10,r7
ldr r8,=0
ldr r9,=3

ldrb r1,[r0]+1
ldr r2,=0x2000
add r2,r2,r1
add r2,r2,#3

ldr r3,=0x2031
cmp r2,r3
beq saltaopt

strh r2,[r7]
add r7,r7,#2

b option

text1 @ascii "YEAH.",$FF

so when i patch it with ntsc tool, it loads text1, but not the right address because it think is on address 0x800XXXX and not on 0x08YYYYY(after patch). I'm wondering how can i do:

mov r0,(0x08YYYYY)

Sorry for my english :) and thanks for who help me ^^