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Graphics > New Tile/Map/Obj Editor Available...

#18040 - batblaster - Fri Mar 19, 2004 4:33 pm

GBA World is now available for anyone who need...

I'm sorry for no docs included i'm making....

Download available

Installation Pack and Upgrade...

Send me a mail for more information or for bug report...
Batblaster / 7 Raven Studios Co. Ltd

#18043 - dagamer34 - Fri Mar 19, 2004 5:51 pm

English would be nice....
Little kids and Playstation 2's don't mix. :(

#18046 - RaBBi - Fri Mar 19, 2004 6:22 pm

If you'd be cooler it would be nicer...

No real problem to download it.

I'll test it batblaster but I don't think I'll be able to post my opinion till the next > holidays at moutain ;)

EDIT: I finally manage to test it.
It seems that it will be a very nice Editor!

"will be" cause, correct me if I'm wrong, but many options/functions don't seem to work (or are under construction).

It's the case for palette viewer (all is black) or, more blocking, when I load a tileset (my .bmp is right for 16 colors bg map) I also have an all black tileset...seems to be not loaded in fact.

I didn't have test all the editor.

Could you tell me if these are unreleased features cause you didn't mention if this software was still in development

Thanks ^^
Great -all included- tool anyway ;)

RE-EDIT: After uninstallation of OFFICE2003, your editor works.
I'm on XP PRo Service pack 1, and each time I wanted to start GBAWorld I had 5 messages from Office, and thus these black bugs I spoke before.

No that's it's gone, GBAWorld seems to work good.
Sorry for my poor english, but it would be worst for you to understand me if I speak in my native language, French ^^

#18049 - batblaster - Fri Mar 19, 2004 7:27 pm

The editor work only with 256 color mode...

if you load a .bmp on tile editor do not forget to save with a different name because the program will change some on the file when save...

The palette work fine on my computer and the computer where i work..

Microsoft XP , Processor AMD Video Card G-Force 4 in mine and built in on my work...

The program is in English in all the parts , i do not remember if there is some in Italian but i don't think so...

For any question write me, i will put online the docs as soon as possible...
Batblaster / 7 Raven Studios Co. Ltd

#18050 - dagamer34 - Fri Mar 19, 2004 7:56 pm

I am not exactly fluent in.. whatever language the site is in. I'm not sure what to do to download it.

I download a zip file and it was empty.
Little kids and Playstation 2's don't mix. :(

#18061 - batblaster - Fri Mar 19, 2004 11:29 pm

This section is only for Graphic question and gfx applications...
Batblaster / 7 Raven Studios Co. Ltd