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Graphics > Mode 3, 5 3D engine Spefications

#18737 - tomer - Fri Apr 02, 2004 6:06 pm

Well I've released a small demo.
These are the features of the engine"
- 3D clipping
- Rotations - Yaw, pitch, Raw
- Affine Texture-Mapping, and Flat - Rendering
- MD2 + MDL Models Rendering (Models + Anmations + skins)
- 1st-Person Camera, AND 3rd-Person Camera (Polar System)
- Sorting Algorithms : BSP Trees, Z-Buffer, and Painter's
- Texture Animation
- Object-Space Backface Culling
- 3D Culling
- Sub-Texel + Pixel Accuarcy
- Bilinear Filtering effect
- Mode 3 + Mode 5 Support

Tools List:
- MD2 Exporter
- BSP Builder out of .3DS, .BSP (Quake 1 + 2 format)

and here is a small demo: (you will have to save it with the right click
of the mouse - "Save Target As..", or else it won't download)


- Any comments are welcomed + proposals for making a game or

#18738 - Lupin - Fri Apr 02, 2004 6:59 pm

uhm, you already posted about your engine, even though it's interesting you don't have to post a new thread about it every day :P
Team Pokeme
My blog and PM ASM tutorials

#18748 - DiscoStew - Sat Apr 03, 2004 4:18 am

I tried your demo, but is it supposed to only show a single character rotating around? It doesn't seem to be doing anything else. I thought perhaps from the screen shots there would be a level to look around in.
Other than that, it looks great.
DS - It's all about DiscoStew