#20765 - Nessie - Mon May 17, 2004 4:31 am
Does anyone remember MapEd? It's been something like 6 months since the last update, heh. I'm looking to put out the newest build in the next couple of days.
Here's the list of fixes. If you happen to know of other bugs not listed, it would be great to know what the problems are so I could try to get the fixes in prior to making this release.
Here's the list of fixes. If you happen to know of other bugs not listed, it would be great to know what the problems are so I could try to get the fixes in prior to making this release.
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New in 0.99 *-------------* *Palette Offsetting - on export, the exported palettes can be moved to start at a palette bank other than the first one. The map data is correctly remapped in the exported data. *Tile Offsetting - on export, the exported tile data can be remapped to start at a non-zero base. The map data is correctly remapped in the exported data. *Export Layer to .bmp fixed *Tilesets can be any size that is a multiple of 8 *Import Tileset to Layer workes better with tileset fix listed above. *Layer initialization fixes (first loaded tileset no longer needs to have upper-left tile empty) *Layer Bar is now moveable/dockable. *Layer name directly editable on layer bar. *Tool Tips on Layer Bar items *Secondary layers can created using explicit sizes in addition to the old method of specifying parallax (relative) values. *Parallax values are now split into an x and y component (x & y were previously forced to be the same). *Layer resizing now supports map stretching/compression. Not perfect, but presents an alternative to the old crop/padding method. *Secondary layers are no longer forced to be resized when a primary/collision layer is resized. *Experimental Layer Tools - Layer Merge & Eat Hidden Tiles. *Fixed a problem where shifted layers created garbled map data. *Added status bar. Not really exploiting it too much yet, but am planning on using it to display various things. *Flood Fill now replaces each filled tile with the current h/v-flip state. Previously, it kept the h/v-flip state that was already present on the tile. *An extra palette would sometimes be exported, usually the palette associated with the first empty tile. Being a transparent tile, the actual palette it used was irrelevant, so it should have just used whatever palette was available. *------------------------------------------* TODO (hopefully to be added to v.99) *------------------------------------------* *Correct Tiles (palette tool) - some art programs will remap pixels to the first instance of that color it finds in the palette, which can cause mapEd to not handle those tiles correctly. This would be a simple tool that would correct this flaw...it will not currently attempt to address other problems that can come up. *Need to refactor TileSet Bar. Once that's done, it will be moveable/dockable...and I can finally (easily) add scrolling in TileSet View!! *Better flood fill - allow filling with a complete brush shape instead of just a single tile. *New layer bar flickers harshly (low priority) |