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Graphics > Sprite sheet creator

#72618 - headspin - Mon Feb 20, 2006 3:06 pm

Does anyone know where I can find a program that can create a sprite sheet from a series of images and from gif animations?

I've tried Sprite Splicer but it crashes when I try to import an image.
Warhawk DS | Manic Miner: The Lost Levels | The Detective Game

#72638 - crossraleigh - Mon Feb 20, 2006 6:41 pm

ImageMagick can by using the -append option.

#72755 - headspin - Tue Feb 21, 2006 1:16 pm

Yeah, but -append or +append only appends one row or column of sprites. I want to make a sprite sheet or a grid of sprites. I suppose I could write a program to do that, but was hoping something was already out there.
Warhawk DS | Manic Miner: The Lost Levels | The Detective Game

#72759 - jake2431 - Tue Feb 21, 2006 2:15 pm

You could use my favorite pixel editing program, Graphics Gale. You can make a canvas the size that you want it, turn on snapping, and set the snapping grid to the size that you want(8x8, 16x16, 32x32, 64x64), but is you want something like a final fantasy 2 battle sprite(16x24) then the grid doesn't really work. Then I believe you can just take the grid off and it will snap to your previous sprites. It is shareware, but the complete version is less than $20USD and well worth it. Probably not what your looking for, but yeah.


P.S. I did this gif animation with it about a year ago. It is a robust program